In French, the term for people who live in cities and regions is known as ‘gentilé’. The French definition of the term is: “Nom donné aux habitants d’un lieu, un pays, un continent, une région, une province, etc.” Some cities of France have unexpected or odd names for their inhabitants. Here is a list of the 10 most difficult inhabitant names followed by more examples of ‘gentilés’.
Top 10 Most Difficult Names
Here is the list of the 10 inhabitant names we found the most challenging!
1. Angers (Pays de la Loire)
The inhabitants of Angers are the Angevins and Angevines.
2. Auch (Midi-Pyrénées)
The inhabitants of Auch are the Auscitains and Auscitaines.
3. Besançon (Franche-Comté)
The inhabitants of Besançon are the Bisontins and Bisontines.
4. Fontainebleau (Ile de France)
the inhabitants of Fontainebleau are the Bellifontains and Bellifontaines.
5. Metz (Lorraine)
The inhabitants of Metz are the Messins and Messines.

6. Périgueux (Aquitaine)
The inhabitants of Périgueux are the Pétrocoriens and Pétrocoriennes.
7. Le Puy-en-Velay (Auvergne)
The inhabitants of Le Puy-en-Velay are the Ponots and Ponotes.
8. Reims (Champagne-Ardenne)
The inhabitants of Reims are the Rémois and Rémoises.
9. Saint-Etienne (Rhône-Alpes)
The inhabitants of Saint-Etienne are the Stéphanois and Stéphanoises.
10. Tours (Centre)
The inhabitants of Tours are the Tourangeaux and Tourangelles.
Inhabitants names for more cities of France