Discover our Top 10 most delicious French tarts! Tarts are one of the French’s favourite desserts.
Many households keep their recipes top-secret and fillings vary according to the region where one lives. Those from Lorraine swear by the Mirabelle tart while in Normandy, the apple tart is an integral part of the regional gastronomic heritage.
The Top 10 Most Delicious French Tarts
Here is a list of 10 delicious French tarts we made (except for the 11th photo from La Durée).
1. Tarte aux pommes
There is no particular story to tell about the origin of an apple tart from Normandy as there are several different recipes depending on local and family traditions.
An apple tart is a cultural element of Normandy that cannot be ignored, such as the Normand cow, cream and cheese. The apple trees are indeed part of the cultural identity of the region of Normandy.

Read our recipe.
2. Tarte Tatin
A Tarte Tatin is an upside-down caramelised apple tart from the Sologne area which should be served warm with double cream or vanilla ice cream.

Read our recipe.
3. Tarte aux myrtilles
In the Vosges, the abundance of blueberries allows everyone to prepare this delicious tart. The blueberries that grow wild in the forests of the Vosges are preferred by the locals over cultivated blueberries. Known in English as “bilberries”, it will take a lot of patience to pick enough for a tart. Much smaller than their American counterparts, European bilberries have a strong fragrant juicy blue flesh. Warning: while eating bilberries, your teeth and tongue will turn deep blue or purple (for this reason it was used as a dye for food and clothes in the Middle Ages).

4. Tarte aux mirabelles
Mirabelles (or cherry plums) are the fruits of the mirabelle prune tree. This small yellow rounded-shaped fruit is appreciated for its rich sweet flavour. They are a speciality of Lorraine whose climate and soil composition is ideal for their cultivation. 80% of the global commercial production of mirabelle plums comes from Lorraine. Mirabelles are used in jams, tarts, and eau-de-vie but can also be eaten fresh.

5. Tarte de Linz
The Linzer Torte (or Tarte de Linz in French) is originally an Austrian cake often prepared for Christmas. Its name derived from the town of Linz, in the province of Upper Austria. The cake – or tart – is easily recognisable by a lattice of dough strips covering the filling of jam.

Read our recipe.
6. Tarte au sucre
The North of France has always eaten a lot of it, in many different forms: molasses, cubes, or soft brown “vergoise”. In the 19th Century, a special meal always had a tart as part of the menu. Back then there were lots of sugar refineries and so sugar was readily available so this is how the “sweet-tart” … la tarte au sucre quickly became an established part of northern cuisine.

Read our recipe.
7. Tarte au citron
A classic lemon tart has a wonderful balance of lemons and a crispy sweet base. A tart is enough to tingle on the tongue and delight your senses!
Did you know that the town of Menton in the French Riviera is known as being the only place in France where lemons grow?

Read our recipe.
8. Tarte amandine aux poires
A smooth tart where the combination of almond and pears works perfectly!

9. Tarte aux abricots
The majority of apricot trees grow in the Rhône Valley in Provence and in the Roussillon. Some are also found in the Loire Valley and in the gardens of the North-East of France that take advantage of plenty of sunshine. Similar to the strawberry tart, the apricot tart has become a great classic with its delicious crème pâtissière.

10. Tarte aux fraises
A classic: the strawberry tart with crème pâtissière (pastry cream) and a base composed of a “pâte sablée” (shortcrust pastry). A delicious treat to enjoy from mid to late spring when fresh strawberries are found in the markets of France.

11. Tartelettes aux fruits
In France, tarts are found in smaller portions which are called “tartelettes“. They are the most sold desserts in French pâtisseries after the éclair and the mille-feuille. There is a great range of tartelettes: strawberries, raspberries, apples but also lemon, caramel and chocolate.

Do you like other tarts that were not mentioned in our post? Leave a comment with your favourite!
English-French Vocabulary
(f) for féminin, (m) for masculin, (adj) for adjective and (v) for verbs
- almond = amande (f)
- apple = pomme (f)
- apricot = abricot (m)
- bilberry = myrtille (sauvage) (f)
- blueberry = myrtille (de jardin) (f)
- cake = gâteau (m)
- cherry plum = mirabelle (f)
- chocolate = chocolat (m)
- French Riviera = Côte d’Azur (f)
- French tarts = tartes françaises (f)
- lemon = citron (m)
- Normandy = Normandie (f)
- pastry = pâtisserie (f)
- pear = poire (f)
- raspberry = framboise (f)
- small tart = tartelette (f)
- sugar = sucre (m)
- sweet = sucré (m)
- tart = tarte (f)
Find out more about the delicious Alsace and Lorraine desserts on our French blog!