The French and chocolate is a love story. From the local chocolateries to the immense hypermarchés, chocolate is found everywhere. Of excellent or not-so-good quality, chocolate is a favourite sweet delicacy savoured when Easter comes. Here are a few facts and figures about Easter chocolate…
Watch our short video explaining Easter in France:
What about Easter chocolate?
The tradition of chocolate eggs at Easter is a long one in France. Half of the French people receive a chocolate gift, according to a 2012 study carried out by TNS Sofres on behalf of the French Chocolate Union.
Chocolate hens, rabbits, eggs and bell shapes are the most popular (74%), followed by the more innovative initiatives from chocolatier artisans (25%). French kids are the largest group to receive chocolate, but grown-ups are not forgotten either!
It is estimated that 70% of the French buy their Easter chocolates in hypermarkets and supermarkets (les grandes surfaces), and only 1% dare to order them online.
One of the two significant chocolate times!
After Christmas, Easter is the most significant period of the year to sell chocolate. The research estimates 14,700 tonnes of chocolate were sold during Easter 2012 compared to 34.320 tonnes at Christmas. In 2012 alone, 258,661 tonnes of chocolate were sold in France, according to Nielsen research. Each French individual eats an average of 4.2 kg of chocolate per year compared to 11 kg in the UK.
Mon Dieu, que de chocolat !