Tour of Alsace - Riquewihr, one of France's Beautiful Villages in Alsace © French Moments
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  • France’s Most Beautiful Villages in Alsace

Last Updated: 5 September 2023


Since it was founded in 1982, the association Les Plus Beaux Villages de France has grown to include a network of 172 members in October 2022. These are villages, communes or even former communes spread across 70 départements and 14 regions. There are six of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace. I've had the opportunity to visit them all, and I'm delighted to present them to you in photos!

France's Most Beautiful Villages in Alsace

Six villages. There are (only) six communes classified as France's Most Beautiful Villages in Alsace. You'll admit that's not a lot when you know Alsace. The historic and cultural province is home to a myriad of charming and charming villages. Some are famous and attract crowds of tourists, while others can be discovered by surprise off the beaten track.

Click on the image below to discover them on a map of Alsace:

Plus Beaux Villages de France en Alsace


A general view of Hunspach, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments

A general view of Hunspach, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments

Located around ten kilometres south of Wissembourg, off the main road to Haguenau, Hunspach is renowned for its remarkably well-preserved architectural unity. The beautiful half-timbered houses are all whitewashed. They have white shutters and jerkinhead roofs.

In 2020, Hunspach was named The Favourite Village of the French by Stéphane Bern on France 3.

But the village has a long history of recognition. As far back as 1978, Hunspach was declared a "village where life is good" in the programme La France buissonnière on Antenne 2 (you know, the forerunner of France 2)!

Discover Hunspach on our French blog...

La boutique Kelsch'Idée à Hunspach © French Moments

The Kelsch'Idée shop in Hunspach © French Moments

Rayon de soleil de décembre sur le village © French Moments

December sunshine in the village © French Moments

Géranium © French Moments

Geranium in flower in December! © French Moments

Pas moins de trois auvents pour cette maison de Hunspach ! (place de la mairie) © French Moments

No less than three awnings for this house in Hunspach! (Place de la mairie) © French Moments


Le village de Mittelbergheim © French Moments

The village of Mittelbergheim © French Moments

The wine-growing village of Mittelbergheim sits atop a hill dominated by the ruins of Andlau castle. More than half of the village is planted with vineyards, whose wines are highly prized, particularly the Zotzenberg Grand Cru.

The distinctive feature of the village is its buildings. Most of the centre of Mittelbergheim is made up of stone houses built between 1540 and 1630 in the architectural style of the Rhenish Renaissance, which was in vogue at the time.

In 2018, Mittelbergheim came second in the France 2 programme Le Village Préféré des Français, presented by Stéphane Bern.

Discover Mittelbergheim on our French blog...

Mittebergheim, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments

Mittebergheim, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments

Enseigne dans le village © French Moments

Wrought iron sign in the village © French Moments

Mittelbergheim - Rue des Vosges © French Moments

Rue des Vosges © French Moments

Maisons dans la rue Principale © French Moments

Stone houses in the High Street © French Moments


Bergheim, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments

The Obertor gate in Bergheim © French Moments

Bergheim is one of the few villages in Alsace to have preserved its medieval double walls almost intact.

You'll love walking along the ramparts and finding your way through the maze of medieval-looking streets.

Bergheim is a village in bloom, having won the "Quatre Fleurs" label in the French towns and villages in bloom competition.

In 2022, Bergheim won first place in the Le Village Préféré des Français competition, in Stéphane Bern's programme of the same name on France 3.

That same year, Bergheim joined the association Les Plus Beaux Villages de France, becoming the sixth Alsatian town to be classified by the brand.

Discover Bergheim on our French blog...

Bergheim © French Moments

Bergheim, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments

Bergheim © French Moments

Place du marché © French Moments

Bergheim © French Moments

Medieval garden and witches' museum © French Moments

Remparts de Bergheim

Bergheim town walls (south side) © French Moments


Hunawihr, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments

Hunawihr and its fortified church © French Moments

The village of Hunawihr occupies a charming site along the Alsace Wine Route. The village owes its fame to its fortified church, perched on a small hill above the village.

This is the church of Saint-Jacques le Majeur, recognisable by its square-shaped bell tower, which resembles a keep (15th century).

A 13th-century rampart still protects the church and the old cemetery that surrounds it. There are magnificent views over the vineyards, the Alsace plain and, in the distance, the Black Forest in Germany.

Discover Hunawihr on our French blog...

Hunawihr vu du ciel © French Moments

The village from above © French Moments

Hunawihr © French Moments

Hunawihr and the Three Castles of Ribeauvillé © French Moments

Hunawihr, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments

One of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments © French Moments

Photos de printemps en Alsace : Hunawihr © French Moments

Hunawihr and its fortified church in spring © French Moments


Riquewihr, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments © French Moments

Riquewihr, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments © French Moments

Known as the Pearl of the Vineyards, Riquewihr is without doubt one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace!

Its membership of Les Plus Beaux Villages de France dates back to 1982, when the association was founded!

Riquewihr is an Alsatian village renowned for its architectural heritage. It was lucky enough to be spared the destruction of the two world wars.

Today, the picturesque medieval town attracts hordes of tourists, particularly during the summer months.

In 2012, Riquewihr came sixth (out of 22) in the Le Village Préféré des Français competition, in Stéphane Bern's programme of the same name on France 2.

Discover Riquewihr on our French blog...

Riquewihr, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments © French Moments

Riquewihr, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments © French Moments

Cour vigneronne, Riquewihr © French Moments

Inner courtyard of a winegrower's house, Riquewihr © French Moments

Enseigne avec saynète, Riquewihr © French Moments

Sign with playlet, Riquewihr © French Moments

Riquewihr printemps Alsace

Riquewihr in spring © French Moments


Eguisheim, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments © French Moments

Eguisheim, one of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace © French Moments © French Moments

Just 5 kilometres south of Colmar, Eguisheim is a must-visit village on any tour of the Alsace vineyards. Lovers of Alsace wines will appreciate two grands crus: Grand Cru Eichberg and Grand Cru Pfersigberg.

Seen from above, Eguisheim's historic centre appears very round. The Rue du Rempart offers picturesque views of colourful half-timbered houses, while the squares are adorned with Renaissance fountains.

In 2006, the village won the gold medal in the Entente florale, the European competition for towns and villages in bloom.

Then, in 2013, Eguisheim won first place in the Le Village Préféré des Français competition, in Stéphane Bern's programme of the same name on France 2.

Discover Eguisheim on our French blog...

Eguisheim Alsace vu du ciel © French Moments

Eguisheim, Alsace seen from a helicopter © French Moments

Rue du rempart à Eguisheim © French Moments

Half-timbered houses in the Rue du Rempart © French Moments

Rue du rempart à Eguisheim © French Moments

Rue du rempart © French Moments

Eguisheim © French Moments

The tour of the inner ramparts at Eguisheim © French Moments

10 other most beautiful villages in Alsace

Six villages listed as "France's Most Beautiful Villages" in Alsace? Only six?

Why are there so few listed villages in Alsace?

The reason is quite simple. The most beautiful villages in France are wrongly equated with the French association Les Plus Beaux Villages de France.

In a nutshell:

  • Localities that are members of the association Les Plus Beaux Villages de France are rightly among the most beautiful villages in France.
  • On the other hand, not all the most beautiful villages in France belong to the association Les Plus Beaux Villages de France.

For example, some of the France's most beautiful villages in Alsace are not part of the association Les Plus Beaux Villages de France, but are just as deserving of the coveted title.

Membership of the association requires compliance with precise, demanding and costly specifications. So it's only natural that many localities are not (or are no longer) interested in joining.

On the other hand, membership of the association provides enormous exposure to the general public, who benefit from the prestigious title of "Most Beautiful Villages in France".

So as not to forget that there are other 'France's most beautiful villages' in Alsace, I have chosen to complete this article with ten other Alsatian towns.

My most beautiful French villages in Alsace

There are so many beautiful places in Alsace that it's hard to choose just ten. But I've risen to the challenge and I'd like to invite you to discover these Alsatian villages - feel free to add your favourites to the list (write them down in the comments below!).


Seebach, Alsace © French Moments

Rue des églises, Seebach © French Moments

This street village is not far from Wissembourg. Seebach's half-timbered houses with hipped roofs are reminiscent of those in the neighbouring village of Hunspach.

Discover Seebach on our French blog...


Autour de Strasbourg - Porte fortifiée de Wangen © French Moments

The fortified gate of Wangen © French Moments

Wangen is a charming medieval village that deserves to be better known. The village is not far from Marlenheim, the northern gateway to the Alsace Wine Route.


L'ancien hôtel d'Andlau © French Moments

Andlau © French Moments

In 2014, Andlau came second in France 2's Le Village Préféré des Français competition. Its beautiful half-timbered houses, Romanesque church and fortified castles perched on the Vosges peaks make it an interesting cultural stop-off between Obernai and Sélestat.

Discover Andlau on our French blog...


La maison « Sermonnet » à Dambach-la-Ville © French Moments

Dambach-la-Ville © French Moments

One of France's most beautiful villages in Alsace (but not listed!), Dambach-la-Ville boasts a large number of 16th and 17th century half-timbered houses, including the famous "Sermonnet" house.

Discover Dambach on our French blog...


Saint-Hippolyte, Alsace© French Moments

Saint-Hippolyte © French Moments

At the foot of the Haut-Kœnigsbourg castle, Saint-Hippolyte is a pretty village that once belonged to the Dukes of Lorraine. Don't miss its half-timbered houses and wine cellars!

Discover Saint-Hippolyte on our French blog...


Kientzheim en Alsace © French Moments

Kientzheim (Haut-Rhin) © French Moments

Not to be confused with Kintzheim (Bas-Rhin), the village of Kientzheim now belongs to the commune of Kaysersberg-Vignoble. It is one of the few villages in Alsace to have preserved its medieval walls.

Discover Kientzheim on our French blog...


Niedermorschwihr, un des plus beaux villages d'Alsace © French Moments

Niedermorschwihr, un des plus beaux villages d'Alsace © French Moments

North of Turckheim, Niedermorschwihr is definitely one of my favourite Alsatian villages. Drowned in the vineyards, the village can be recognised by the twisted steeple of its church. Discover the many colourful half-timbered houses.

Discover Niedermorschwihr on our French blog...


Rue Haute de Gueberschwihr, Alsace © French Moments

Rue Haute, Gueberschwihr © French Moments

Few tourists are aware of the existence of this village between Colmar and Rouffach. However, Gueberschwihr is well worth a visit for its streets lined with beautiful 16th and 17th-century houses, some in stone, others half-timbered.

Discover Gueberschwihr on our French blog...


Hirtzbach Sundgau Alsace © French Moments

Hirtzbach © French Moments

The village-street of Hirtzbach stretches along the Hirtz stream, giving the locality a certain charm. There are some beautiful half-timbered houses to discover along the stream, as well as the chapel of Sainte-Affre, at the very top of the hill.

Discover Hirtzbach on our French blog...


Ferrette © French Moments

Ferrette © French Moments

The historic town of Ferrette is a must-see in the Sundgau, the rural area in the very south of Alsace, on the border with Switzerland. From the church of Saint-Bernard, the main street leads up to the Place des Comtes. From there, a path climbs up to the castles of the Counts of Ferrette. Panoramic views over the Sundgau, the Alsatian Jura, the Vosges and the Black Forest.

Discover Ferrette on our French blog...

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About the author

Pierre is a French/Australian who is passionate about France and its culture. He grew up in France and Germany and has also lived in Australia and England. He has a background teaching French, Economics and Current Affairs, and holds a Master of Translating and Interpreting English-French with the degree of Master of International Relations, and a degree of Economics and Management. Pierre is the author of Discovery Courses and books about France.

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