Last Updated: 5 March 2023

J'fais pipi sur le gazon is a nursery rhyme that amuses the very little children a lot.

The song helps little children learn to potty train. It can be sung with them to encourage them to ask to pee during walks or activities.

J'fais pipi sur le gazon - lawn in Paris © French Moments

The lawn of the Trocadéro in Paris © French Moments

J'fais pipi sur le gazon

Lyrics, music, free download... let's learn more about the popular song:

The lyrics in French

The song has 2 verses.

Couplet 1

J'fais pipi sur le gazon,
Pour arroser les coccinelles.
J'fais pipi sur le gazon,
Pour arroser les papillons.
Pipi, gazon, papillons, coccinelles
Pipi, gazon, coccinelles, papillons

Couplet 2

J'fais pipi sur le gazon,
Pour embêter les coccinelles.
J'fais pipi sur le gazon,
Pour embêter les limaçons.

Pipi, gazon, papillons, coccinelles
Pipi, gazon, coccinelles, papillons

Translation of the lyrics into English

Here is an approximative translation into English:

Verse 1

I pee on the lawn,
To water the ladybugs.
I pee on the grass,
To water the butterflies.
Pee, grass, butterflies, ladybugs
Pee, grass, ladybugs, butterflies

Verse 2

I pee on the grass,
To annoy the ladybugs.
I pee on the grass,
To annoy the snails.
Pee, grass, butterflies, ladybugs
Pee, lawn, ladybugs, butterflies

Check out the musical scores of the song by clicking here...

Download the Lyrics for FREE!

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J'fais pipi sur le gazon © French Moments

Did you know?

Coccinelle is ladybug in English. The insect is also known as the "bête à bon Dieu" (God's bug).

Ladybugs are among the insects used by humans: many species feed on aphids and are therefore used in biological control as natural insecticides.

Ladybug LR. Photo by GitaKulinica via Envato Elements

Photo by GitaKulinica via Envato Elements

Contrary to popular belief, the number of spots of the ladybug does not depend on its age but on the species.

The insect gave its name to an iconic Volkswagen car: the Beetle. In 1968, Walt Disney Studios released a movie with a particularly powerful Beetle as the main character: Un amour de Coccinelle (The Love Bug).

French Nursery Rhymes

My challenge for the year 2023 is to publish 80 French Nursery Rhymes lyrics and descriptions (list below). Come back as time goes by to discover the new articles:

About the author

Pierre is a French/Australian who is passionate about France and its culture. He grew up in France and Germany and has also lived in Australia and England. He has a background teaching French, Economics and Current Affairs, and holds a Master of Translating and Interpreting English-French with the degree of Master of International Relations, and a degree of Economics and Management. Pierre is the author of Discovery Courses and books about France.

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