At the end of Summer, crocuses are blooming in the meadows and clearings. When French people sing about them, we know that Autumn in near: Colchiques dans les prés...

Colchicums in the French Alps © French Moments
Colchiques dans les Prés
Colchicums are flowering plants which grow in Europe. Also known as "autumn crocus", these crocus-like flowers bloom in meadows and clearings heralding the end of Summer. Colchicums are best known in France through a popular song: Colchiques dans les prés.
Composed by Jacqueline Debatte (lyrics) and her friend Francine Cockenpot (music) in 1942-1943, the song was first intended to scouting camps. It is often sung by children as a rhyme.
The French lyrics
Couplet 1
Colchiques dans les prés fleurissent, fleurissent,
Colchiques dans les prés : c'est la fin de l'été.
La feuille d'automne, emportée par le vent,
En ronde monotone tombe en tourbillonnant.
Couplet 2
Châtaignes dans les bois se fendent, se fendent,
Châtaignes dans les bois se fendent sous les pas.
Couplet 3
Nuages dans le ciel s'étirent, s'étirent,
Nuages dans le ciel s'étirent comme une aile.
Couplet 4
Et ce chant dans mon coeur murmure, murmure,
Et ce chant dans mon coeur appelle le bonheur.
The English translation
Verse 1
Autumn crocuses in the meadows are blossoming, blossoming
Autumn crocuses in the meadows: it’s the end of Summer
The Autumn leaf, taken by the wind,
In a monotonous ring falls in a swirl.
Verse 2
Chestnuts in the woods are cracking, cracking
Chestnuts in the woods are cracking under our steps.
Verse 3
The clouds in the sky are stretching, stretching,
The clouds in the sky are stretching like a wing.
Verse 4
And this song in my heart is whispering, whispering,
And this song in my heart is calling happiness.

Colchicums in the French Alps © French Moments
Other versions of the song
Read more on the French wikipedia page of the song for more adaptations.
I remember singing this when I was at school in1957. Today I spotted some autumn crocuses in a cemetery in the Isle of Man. It brought to mind the song.