One of the most beautiful Nativity Scenes in Paris is found inside the church of Saint-François-Xavier in the 7th arrondissement. The large scene refers to the tradition of a Provençal Nativity Scene with hundreds of ‘Santons‘.
The Nativity Scene at Saint-François-Xavier church

The church of Saint-François-Xavier is situated in the 7th arrondissement not far from Les Invalides. Its official name is Saint-François-Xavier des Missions étrangères (St. Francis of the Foreign Missions). The current sanctuary was built from 1861 to 1874 by architects Adrien-Louis Lusson and Toussaint Uchard.
A Provençal Nativity Scene
One of the most beautiful Nativity Scene in Paris is host by the church of Saint-François-Xavier. It follows the tradition of a Provençal Nativity Scene where the Biblical characters are combined with those of a Provençal village. Situated in the Sainte-Thérèse chapel, it features more than 500 crib characters (‘Santons’).