Why you should spend Easter in Alsace

Spending Easter in Alsace is unforgettable! The first rays of sunshine touching the land of Alsace herald spring and Easter, a period of celebration in the French region close ... Read more!

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Who brings the Easter eggs in France?

Who brings the Easter eggs in France? What an interesting question! In French supermarkets, Easter bunnies are now found everywhere on the shelves, including the gold Lindt bunny ... Read more!

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The French’ sweet tooth for Easter chocolate

The French and chocolate is a love story. From the local chocolateries to the immense hypermarchés, chocolate is found everywhere. Of excellent or not-so-good quality, chocolate is a ... Read more!

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Voici le Mois de Mai

In France, the fifth month of the year is beautifully known as "le joli mois de mai" (the beautiful month of May). Spring is in full bloom and ... Read more!

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Mignonne allons voir si la rose

Spring is here and to celebrate the renewal of life, nothing is better than a beautiful French poem about a rose. Let me introduce you to Pierre de ... Read more!

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All there is to know about Spring in France

Blooming apple trees, new green leaves covering the trees, spring flowers in full bloom in the gardens, fields and forests… this explosion of new life tells us that ... Read more!

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Spring flowers and flowering trees

From the first weeks of March to the warmer month of May, spring flowers and fruit trees come into bloom. There’s a kind of magic when the first ... Read more!

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Pentecost day in France: la Pentecôte

The word Pentecost comes from the Ancient Greek pentếkosta, which means “the fiftieth day”. Pentecost is a Christian feast taking place fifty days after Easter. It celebrates the ... Read more!

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Mother’s Day in France: Origins and Traditions

In the USA and Australia, Mother’s Day occurs on the second Sunday of May. However, the French have chosen a different date to pay tribute to their mothers. ... Read more!

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Ascension Day in France: Origins and Traditions

Christians celebrate the Ascension of Jesus forty days after Easter. Ascension Day always falls on a Thursday, hence the name “Jeudi de l’Ascension” (Ascension Thursday).   Ascension Day: ... Read more!

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What do French people celebrate on Europe Day?

“Vive l’Europe!” On Europe Day, 27 states and more than 446 million Europeans (including about 67 million French people) celebrate the European Union on the 9th of May. ... Read more!

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Commemorating Victory in Europe Day in France

Victory in Europe Day took place on the 8th of May, 1945. The public holiday in France commemorates the victory of the Allies over Germany. The date also ... Read more!

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A Guide to the Easter Traditions in France

Easter traditions in France have been significant to French people over the centuries as Easter is the most important Christian celebration of the year. This particular time commemorates ... Read more!

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May Day in France: Origins and Traditions

May Day in France (Labour Day or Fête du Travail) occurs on the 1st of May. It is a date full of symbols in France and Europe. For ... Read more!

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April Fools’ Day traditions in France

Alongside Easter, French children follow April Fools’ Day traditions in Spring. On 1 April, people use paper fish to play an April Fools trick. This involves sticking a paper fish ... Read more!

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