In the Footsteps of the Habsburgs in Alsace: A Captivating Odyssey

This article takes you on a historical treasure hunt, following the footsteps of the Habsburgs in Alsace and unveiling a tale neglected by history textbooks. Our first stop? ... Read more!

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The Territoire de Belfort: a unique département in France

In 2022, the Territoire de Belfort celebrates its 100th birthday. This is an opportunity to take a look at the strange destiny of the smallest French department (outside ... Read more!

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Winter and Snow in Southern Alsace

Winter is here at last! For a few days, we are visiting Alsace, and against all expectations, snow fell yesterday morning. We quickly drove across the Sundgau region to the South ... Read more!

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Discover Ferrette in the Spring

On our last day in Alsace, we drove South of the region to the picturesque site of Ferrette in the spring. This area is known as the Sundgau and ... Read more!

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The first soldiers who fell during the First World War

With a bit of research we found out the names of the first soldiers who fell during the First World War. When World War I started exactly 100 ... Read more!

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Hirtzbach, Alsace

Last Sunday we visited the little flower-decked village of Hirtzbach, secretly situated to the South of Alsace in a region called Sundgau. Here is a selection of photos ... Read more!

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Discover the Foret Enchantee of Altkirch, Alsace

For the Christmas season, the little town of Altkirch in the Sundgau radically departs from the Alsatian tradition of hosting a Christmas market. The fir trees of the ... Read more!

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Sundgau History

The Sundgau’s touristic appeal is closely linked to its history. This territory was once a strategic land owned by the Habsburg Dynasty and coveted by the Kingdom of ... Read more!

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Belfort History: Epic Battles and Enduring Spirit

Nestled in the northeast of France, Belfort is a city rich in history and charm. For many years, I had the pleasure of knowing this city intimately, thanks ... Read more!

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