Bon voyage Monsieur Dumollet is a traditional French song with lyrics dating from the early 19th century.
The story of the song
Bon voyage Monsieur Dumollet refers to a popular song from a vaudeville by Marc Antoine Madeleine Désaugiers, Le départ pour Saint-Malo, created at the Théâtre des Variétés in 1809.

Marc Antoine Madeleine Desaugiers
The song quickly became popular and the author of the caricature depicted King Charles X as Monsieur Dumollet, leaving his city where he had "suffered a thousand and one torments". This echoed the year 1830 when king Charles X abdicated.
In 1892 Tchaikovsky transcribed it for his ballet The Nutcracker, along with another French classic rhyme, Cadet Rousselle.
The tune is still sung during the Dunkirk Carnival.
Bon voyage Monsieur Dumollet
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The lyrics in French
The original song of Bon voyage Monsieur Dumollet has 4 verses and a chorus.
Bon voyage, Monsieur Dumollet,
A Saint-Malo débarquez sans naufrage;
Bon voyage, Monsieur Dumollet,
Et revenez si le pays vous plaît.
Couplet 1
Si vous venez voir la capitale,
Méfiez-vous des voleurs, des amis,
Des billets doux, des coups, de la cabale,
Des pistolets et des torticolis.
Couplet 2
Là vous verrez les deux mains dans les poches,
Aller, venir des sages et des fous,
Des gens bien faits, des tordus, des bancroches,
Nul ne sera jambé si bien que vous.
Couplet 3
Des polissons vous feront bien des niches,
À votre nez riront bien des valets,
Craignez surtout les barbets, les caniches,
Car ils voudront caresser vos mollets.
Couplet 4
L'air de la mer peut vous être contraire,
Pour vos bas bleus les flots sont un écueil,
Si ce séjour enfin, sait vous déplaire,
Revenez-nous avec bon pied, bon œil !
Translation of the lyrics into English
Here is an approximative translation into English:
Bon voyage, Mister Dumollet,
Disembark at Saint-Malo without being shipwrecked;
Bon voyage, Mister Dumollet,
And come back if you like the country.
Verse 1
If you come to see the capital,
Beware of thieves, of friends,
Of soft notes, of blows, of cabal,
Of pistols and stiff neck.
Verse 2
There you will see both hands in the pockets,
Come and go, wise men and fools,
Well-made people, twisted people, wobbly people,
No one will be so well off as you.
Verse 3
The rascals will make you many niches,
At your nose will laugh many jacks,
Especially fear the barbets, the poodles,
For they will want to caress your calves.
Verse 4
The air of the sea can be contrary to you,
For your blue stockings the waves are a reef,
If this stay, finally, knows how to displease you,
Come back to us with good foot, good eye!