Arc Héré in Nancy © French Moments
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  • The 18th century triumphal arch of Nancy

Last Updated: 22 August 2023


A few words about the triumphal arch of Nancy: when we hear about “Arc de Triomphe”, we immediately think about the grand Napoleonic arch at the top of the Champs-Élysées in Paris. Across France, there are also many small-scaled triumphal arches, such as in Nancy, Lorraine.


The triumphal arch of Nancy

Architect Emmanuel Héré designed the triumphal arch of Nancy to honour King Louis XV. The French architect modelled it on the Arch of Septimius Severus in Rome. It is also known as “Arc Héré” in honour of its designer.

Arc Héré in Nancy © French Moments
The Arc Héré seen from Place de la Carrière © French Moments

The arch links Place Stanislas to Place de la Carrière. It is an important landmark along the beautiful perspective created between the town hall (Place Stanislas) and the Palais du Gouvernement (at the end of the Place de la Carrière).

Christmas in Nancy © French Moments
The triumphal arch of Nancy © French Moments

The two squares and the neighbouring Place d’Alliance have been listed on the World Heritage list of Unesco since 1983.


More photos

Place de la Carrière in Nancy © French Moments
The Arc Héré from Place de la Carrière in Nancy © French Moments
Arc Héré in Nancy © French Moments
The City Hall seen from under the Arc Héré © French Moments
Arc Héré in Nancy © French Moments
Arc Héré in Winter © French Moments
Arc Héré in Nancy © French Moments
The top section of Arc Héré in Nancy © French Moments
romantic destinations in France: Nancy © French Moments
View to Place Stanislas and the cathedral from the top of Arc Héré in Nancy © French Moments
Arc Héré in Nancy © French Moments
Arc Héré at night seen from Place Stanislas © French Moments
Arc Héré in Nancy © French Moments
Arc Héré at night seen from Place de la Carrière © French Moments

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About the author

Pierre is a French/Australian who is passionate about France and its culture. He grew up in France and Germany and has also lived in Australia and England. He has a background teaching French, Economics and Current Affairs, and holds a Master of Translating and Interpreting English-French with the degree of Master of International Relations, and a degree of Economics and Management. Pierre is the author of Discovery Courses and books about France.

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