French Alps in Summer © French Moments
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  • The French Alps in Summer: Scenic Beauty and Adventure

Last Updated: 31 July 2024


This past July, we spent an unforgettable month discovering the French Alps in summer, specifically in the stunning Tarentaise Valley in Savoie. 

Our journey took us back to the picturesque alpine village of Granier, where we had lived before moving to England in 2019.

During our stay, we (Pierre, Rachel, and our 11-year-old daughter Aimée) reunited with many friends and acquaintances and even made some new connections along the way.

Our time in the French Alps in summer was memorable for so many reasons. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing the highlights and special moments of our trip.

While we could easily fill this page with family photos (and trust me, we have plenty!), our goal here is to showcase the incredible tourism potential of a summer in the mountains, particularly in the Savoie Alps.

The French Alps in Summer © French Moments

The French Alps in Summer (Laval, Granier) © French Moments

From breathtaking hikes to charming village visits, we want to give you a taste of what makes this region so special.

We hope that by the end of this article, you'll know more about the Tarentaise Valley and perhaps be inspired to visit and create your own unforgettable memories in this stunning part of the world.

So, let’s dive into our alpine adventure!

Our Journey in the French Alps in Summer

Our stay in the French Alps in summer was a true adventure, filled with discoveries and unforgettable moments.

I invite you to watch our video to discover the highlights of our stay:

The Tarentaise Valley, with its breathtaking landscapes and rich alpine culture, offered us a multitude of experiences that we are excited to share with you.

French Alps in Summer © French Moments

Aimée (or Little Red Riding Hood) walking near Granier © French Moments

Walking in the Tarentaise © French Moments

Walking in the Tarentaise © French Moments

Renting a Car in the French Alps 🚙

For this trip in the French Alps in summer, we personally rented a car in Annecy and found it to be incredibly convenient for exploring the region.

Renting a car in Annecy © French Moments

The car we hired in Annecy © French Moments

Renting a car is one of the best ways to explore the French Alps at your own pace.

Here are some top locations to rent a car, with affiliate links from our partner DiscoverCars:

These links will take you to our partner site, where you can find the best deals and book your rental car easily. 🚙🏔️

Visit to Granier, a Tarentaise Alpine Village

Granier was our home until we moved to England in 2019.

Nestled on the "Versant du Soleil" (the sunny side) at an altitude of 1250 metres, Granier offers breathtaking views over the Tarentaise Valley, with the majestic Mont Pourri and the Vanoise glaciers dominating the horizon.

Granier © French Moments

The village of Granier © French Moments

This village is a true gem, with its old stone houses and narrow, steep streets that exude authenticity and history.

Walking through Granier, we were reminded of the timeless beauty and tranquillity that make it such a unique place.

The sunlight bathes the village in a warm glow, enhancing the picturesque scenery and creating an inviting atmosphere.

Granier © French Moments

The village and the Tarentaise Valley © French Moments

As we wandered through the village, we couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia, remembering the many moments we had spent here.

Granier's rustic charm and stunning vistas make it a perfect example of the alpine beauty that the Tarentaise region has to offer.

Granier © French Moments

View of the village of Granier © French Moments

Whether you're exploring the winding alleys, admiring the traditional architecture, or simply soaking in the panoramic views, Granier captivates with its serene and welcoming spirit.

Granier © French Moments

Welcome to Granier! © French Moments

Visit to the Mares' Stables

One of our favourite places to visit in Savoie is the "Tarentasia - Les Crinières de Lait" stables. It is located in our village of Granier.

This farm, known for its beautiful Comtois mares, holds a special place in our hearts, especially for our daughter Aimée.

She absolutely loves spending time at the stables. 

It's one of her top spots in Savoie, and she can’t get enough of playing fetch with Suzie, the friendly dog who always greets us with wagging tails.

The bond Aimée has formed with Suzie is heartwarming, and their games of stick-throwing provide endless joy.

Aimée also enjoys chatting with Carole, the wonderful owner of the stables.

Carole's passion for her horses and her welcoming nature make every visit a delight.

Aimée loves hearing Carole’s stories and learning more about the care and training of the Comtois mares.

Tarentasia - Les Crinières de Lait © French Moments

At the mares' stable © French Moments

Observing the mares in their serene surroundings is a treat for all of us, but this visit held an extra special surprise: we were thrilled to see three adorable foals.

One foal, in particular, captured our hearts as it was born just two days before our departure.

Tarentasia - Les Crinières de Lait © French Moments

A newborn foal just two days before our departure © French Moments

Tarentasia - Les Crinières de Lait © French Moments

The newborn foal © French Moments

Shopping at Aime Market and Tasting Pastries from the Local Bakery

Aime is a charming town in Savoie, known for its historic Saint-Martin Basilica, an ancient Romanesque sanctuary.

Aime-la-Plagne © French Moments

The little market town of Aime © French Moments

Every Thursday morning, a bustling market springs to life, drawing visitors and locals alike.

In summer, the market is incredibly popular, so we always try to arrive from our village by 9 am.

By 10 am, the crowds are thick, queues form at the stalls, and finding a parking spot becomes a challenge.

The market’s vibrant atmosphere and the tempting array of high-quality products make it easy to splurge.

As we stroll through the market, the air is filled with the enticing scents of fresh produce and local delicacies.

We visit two or three vegetable vendors, the fishmonger and the Bonvillard cheese stand with its exceptional sheep’s milk cheese.

The market is also where we often bump into our friend Sandrine, who sells her beautiful handmade wicker goods from her stall.

Market of Aime © French Moments

Sandrine making wickerwork items at the market © French Moments

After exploring the market, our next stop is the "3G" boulangerie-pâtisserie.

Here, the aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries is simply irresistible.

We pick up traditional baguettes and a selection of mouth-watering pastries: mille-feuilles, éclairs, religieuses, lemon meringue tarts, and pistachio-raspberry tarts.

Religieuse au café © French Moments

Religieuse au café © French Moments

We can easily spend two enchanting hours in Aime, soaking up the lively atmosphere and savouring the local flavours.

Once back in our village, we set the table on the balcony, ready to indulge in our market treasures.

With the Vanoise glaciers as our backdrop, we savour the delightful local products, dreaming of the next Thursday morning market.

Granier © French Moments

The view from our balcony © French Moments

Spéculoos éclair © French Moments

Spéculoos éclair © French Moments

Lemon meringue tartelette © French Moments

Lemon meringue tartelette © French Moments

Raspberry and pistachio tartelette © French Moments

Raspberry and pistachio tartelette © French Moments

Mille-Feuille © French Moments

Mille-Feuille © French Moments

Visiting the Baroque Churches of Tarentaise

Exploring the Baroque churches of the Tarentaise Valley was like stepping into a world of art and history.

These magnificent structures, with their sober facades and intricate interiors, are a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Each church is adorned with detailed frescoes, gilded altars, and statues that tell stories of faith and devotion.

Church of Hauteville-Gondon © French Moments

Details of the baroque altarpiece of the Hauteville-Gondon church © French Moments

As we wandered through these sacred spaces, we were struck by the craftsmanship and the sense of history that permeates every corner.

This summer, we were finally able to admire the interior of the church in Hauteville-Gondon and the Saint-Grat chapel in Vulmix.

Both of these sites left us in awe with their beautiful decorations and serene atmospheres.

Church of Hauteville-Gondon © French Moments

The formidable Baroque altarpiece inside the Church of Hauteville-Gondon © French Moments

Saint Grat Church in Vulmix © French Moments

The vaults of the Vulmix chapel St Grat © French Moments

The peaceful reverence of these churches provided a contrast to the bustling outdoor adventures we experienced in the Alps.

We also marvelled at the beautiful bulbous bell towers, typical of the Savoie region, such as the ones in Bellentre and Macot.

Bell tower of Bellentre Church © French Moments

Bell tower of Bellentre Church © French Moments

These unique structures add to the picturesque charm of the landscape and are a testament to the region’s architectural heritage.

Discover the fabulous onion-dome steeples of Savoie on the blog!

Hiking in the Alpine Pastures

Our hikes in the alpine pastures of the French Alps in summer were truly unforgettable.

Walking in the French Alps in summer © French Moments

Walking in the French Alps in summer © French Moments

We explored breathtaking landscapes at altitudes ranging from 2000 to 2500 metres, surrounded by majestic scenery that left us in awe.

One of our first adventures was a hike to the Vallon de Foran.

As we ascended, the world below seemed to disappear, replaced by vast mountain pastures and towering cliffs.

The air was crisp and fresh, and every step brought us closer to the snow-capped peaks that framed our journey.

The tranquillity of the place was only interrupted by the gentle sounds of grazing cows and the occasional marmot whistle.

Next, we ventured to the pastures of Plan Pichu.

This hike took us through lush green meadows dotted with vibrant wildflowers.

Alpine Flowers at Plan Pichu © French Moments

Alpine Flowers at Plan Pichu © French Moments

The path wound its way up to stunning viewpoints where we could pause and take in the panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

The beauty of the landscape, with its rolling pastures and dramatic rock formations, was simply breathtaking.

French Alps in Summer © French Moments

French Alps in Summer © French Moments

Above Plan Pichu © French Moments

The pastureland above Plan Pichu © French Moments

Our final alpine pasture hike was to the Signal des Têtes in the Les Arcs ski resort.

This trail was a bit more challenging, but the rewards were immense.

As we climbed higher, the views became even more spectacular.

Les Deux Têtes © French Moments

A little Christmas tree atop one of the "Deux-Têtes" © French Moments

We were treated to sweeping vistas of the entire Tarentaise Valley, with its shimmering rivers and rugged terrain.

Signal des Têtes © French Moments

The view of Mont Blanc from Signal des Têtes © French Moments

Each of these hikes offered a unique experience, but they all shared the common thread of stunning natural beauty.

The combination of alpine pastures, towering cliffs, and snowy peaks created a landscape that was both dramatic and peaceful.

Hiking in the Alps © French Moments

Hiking in the Alps © French Moments

And we're proud that our daughter Aimée was able to join us on most of these excursions.

Hiking above the hamlet of Pra Spa © French Moments

Aimée and Marylène © French Moments

In Heidi's World

Exploring the world of Heidi in the hamlet of Pra Spa was like stepping into a storybook.

Hamlet of Pra Spa © French Moments

The hamlet of Pra Spa © French Moments

We were invited by our friends André and Marylène to spend Sunday, July 14th (aka Bastille Day 🇫🇷), at their alpine chalet in Pra Spa, perched at 2,100 m / 6,890 ft.

Pra Spa is a charming hamlet with a few stone chalets, located on the Beaufortain slope in the Tarentaise.

Hamlet of Pra Spa © French Moments

Hamlet of Pra Spa © French Moments

The views were breathtaking, with the Vanoise massif and glaciers, the Graian Alps, and even the distant Matterhorn visible beyond the Little St Bernard Pass.

Matterhorn seen from Pra Spa © French Moments

Vision of the Matterhorn from the hamlet of Pra Spa © French Moments

In the company of André, Marylène, and their friend Daniel, who has his own chalet a bit lower down the hamlet, we enjoyed a delicious old-fashioned barbecue.

The grill was placed on charcoal ashes within a circle of stones, adding to the rustic charm of the meal.

Aimée was delighted, playing Heidi in the alpine chalet, truly embracing the spirit of the place.

Pra Spa © French Moments

Aimée in Heidi's world! © French Moments

Before heading back to the village, we witnessed Timothée from the Bergerie de Bonvillard milking his sheep.

Milking of the sheep in Pra Spa © French Moments

The milking of the sheep in Pra Spa © French Moments

This was the same farm where we bought cheese at the Aime market.

Seeing the process up close was fascinating and added another layer to our appreciation of the local produce.

It was the best Bastille Day I’ve had in a long time.

The serenity of Pra Spa, combined with the joy of discovering its natural wonders and spending time with friends, made this day truly memorable.

Hamlet of Pra Spa © French Moments

Rachel and Aimée at Pra Spa © French Moments

Admiring Mountain Flowers and Searching for Marmots

A stay in the French Alps in summer wouldn't be complete without admiring the alpine flowers.

Alpine flowers (Vallon de Foran) © French Moments

Alpine flowers (Vallon de Foran) © French Moments

The sight is truly magnificent, especially in late June and early July.

The fields burst with vibrant colours, creating a natural tapestry that's simply breathtaking.

Alpine flowers (Plan Pichu) © French Moments

Alpine flowers (Plan Pichu) © French Moments

It's very useful to have a guidebook with photos to help identify the various species of mountain flowers you encounter.

Alpine Flowers © French Moments

Alpine Flowers © French Moments

Alpine Flowers © French Moments

Houseleeks © French Moments

Alpine Flowers © French Moments

Martagon Lily © French Moments

Alpine Flowers © French Moments

Alpine flowers © French Moments

French Alps in Summer © French Moments

Un papillon ! © French Moments

Aimée was determined to spot some marmots.

Knowing the best places to find these charming creatures, we set off on our quest.

Marmots are fascinating alpine rodents that live in burrows.

They are known for their curious behaviour, often standing upright to keep watch for predators.

Alpine marmot © French Moments

Standing position! © French Moments

Their sharp, high-pitched alarm calls echo through the mountains, warning their colony of any danger.

Alpine marmot © French Moments

An Alpine marmot © French Moments

Armed with my powerful camera lens, I managed to capture some wonderful shots of these playful rodents.

Alpine marmot © French Moments

An Alpine marmot © French Moments

Watching Aimée's excitement each time she spotted a marmot made the experience even more special.

On the blog: Discover 25 Alpine Flowers to See in the Vanoise!

Ascent to the Aiguille Rouge via Cable Car

We hadn't ascended the Aiguille Rouge in six years, so this summer, we decided it was time to revisit this spectacular peak.

We planned our excursion for the morning, ensuring the skies were clear and the views unobstructed.

The Aiguille Rouge stands at an impressive 3,227 metres (10,587 feet), making it the highest point in the Les Arcs ski resort.

Aiguille Rouge © French Moments

Sheep in front of the Aiguille Rouge at Arc 2000 © French Moments

Accessing this peak is made easy by the cable car, which has been whisking visitors to the summit since 1981.

For this adventure, my daughter Aimée and I (Pierre) set off from Bourg-Saint-Maurice, where we left our car.

We took the funicular up to Arc 1600, then hopped on a shuttle bus to Arc 2000.

From there, we boarded the Varet gondola, which took us to the mid-station where the cable car to the summit awaited.

Varet gondola © French Moments

Riding the Varet gondola with a view of Mont Blanc (top right) © French Moments

The ascent was exhilarating, and the panoramic views from the Aiguille Rouge were absolutely breathtaking.

Aiguille Rouge © French Moments

Arriving at the Aiguille Rouge © French Moments

We could see the Italian Alps, the imposing Mont Pourri, the Beaufortain range with the striking Pierra Menta, the Aravis, the Jura, and, of course, the prestigious and magnificent Mont Blanc right in front of us. 

Aiguille Rouge © French Moments

Mont Blanc from the Aiguille Rouge © French Moments

The clarity of the morning made the experience even more special, as we could see for miles in every direction.

Aiguille Rouge © French Moments

The view to the south from the Aiguille Rouge © French Moments

However, the only downside to this otherwise perfect experience was the presence of smokers at the summit.

The smoke tainted the fresh mountain air and was a real nuisance.

It’s a shame that the area isn't designated as non-smoking to preserve the pristine environment.

On our return, we followed the same route back but made a stop at Arc 1950 by taking the gondola down from Arc 2000.

Arc 1950 © French Moments

The central square of Arc 1950 © French Moments

I jokingly call Arc 1950 the "Disneyland of the Alps" due to its beautifully decorated chalets in an old-world style.

Arc 1950 © French Moments

The resort of Arc 1950 © French Moments

Aimée and I enjoyed exploring this picturesque village, soaking in its quaint atmosphere.

Discover the Aiguille Rouge on the blog!

Discovering the Little St Bernard Pass and a Brief Excursion into Italy

The Little St Bernard Pass, at an altitude of 2188 m / 7,178 ft, is a historical mountain pass located on the border between France and Italy.

Little St Bernard Pass © French Moments

At the border with France and Italy © French Moments

With a rich history dating back to Roman times, it has always been a fascinating destination for travellers.

We have often made the ascent to the pass by car. Like many tourists, the highlight of the trip is crossing into Italy.

Little St Bernard Pass © French Moments

The monument to St Bernard at the Little St Bernard Pass © French Moments

It's always fun to stand on either side of the border marker between France and Italy, capturing that unique moment.

At the pass, we were warmly welcomed by Sophie from the Hospice of the Little St Bernard.

Little St Bernard Pass © French Moments

The Hospice du Col du Petit Saint-Bernard © French Moments

She gave us a wonderful tour of the place.

We climbed up to the panoramic terrace, visited the rooms that host passing travellers, the inn-restaurant, and explored the small museum.

Little St Bernard Pass © French Moments

The view of the Little St Bernard Pass from the hospice roof © French Moments

I plan to write a more detailed article about our visit to the pass in the future, as there is so much more to share.

On our way back, we stopped at La Rosière and took the "Les Roches Noires" chairlift up to Roc Noir, at an altitude of 2,350 metres.

La Rosière chairlift © French Moments

The Roches Noires chairlift in La Rosière © French Moments

The view from the top was again breathtaking, offering a sublime panorama of the Tarentaise Valley and Mont Blanc.

La Rosière - Roc Noir © French Moments

The Roc Noir © French Moments

Mont Blanc from the Roc Noir © French Moments

Mont Blanc from the Roc Noir © French Moments

Weather Wonders and the Changing Light on Mont Pourri

One of the most captivating aspects of our stay in Granier was the ever-changing weather and the stunning light on the landscape, particularly on Mont Pourri.

From our balcony in the village, we had a front-row seat to nature's spectacular show, which I eagerly photographed throughout the day.

In the mornings, the first rays of sunlight bathed Mont Pourri in a soft, golden glow.

The clear, crisp air made the peaks appear sharp and majestic, creating a serene start to our days.

Mont Pourri in the morning © French Moments

Mont Pourri in the morning © French Moments

As the sun climbed higher, the mountain's colours shifted, revealing new details and textures.

The lush greenery of the pastures contrasted beautifully with the rugged, snow-capped peaks.

During our stay, we experienced all types of weather, from radiant sunshine to hail, not forgetting a small orange sandstorm from the Sahara.

Dust storm from the Sahara in the French Alps © French Moments

Dust storm from the Sahara in the French Alps © French Moments

In addition, afternoons often brought dramatic changes.

The sky could quickly fill with dark, brooding clouds, signalling the approach of a summer storm.

Summer storm in the Alps © French Moments

Summer storm in the Alps © French Moments

Summer storm in the Tarentaise © French Moments

Summer storm in the Tarentaise © French Moments

The thunderstorms in the Tarentaise were nothing short of impressive. 

Watching the lightning dance across the sky and hearing the thunder echo through the valley was a thrilling experience.

Despite the occasional downpour, the storms added a sense of awe and power to the landscape.

After the rain, we were often rewarded with fabulous rainbows, arcing across the sky and adding a fabulous touch to the already stunning scenery.

Rainbow over the Tarentaise © French Moments

Rainbow over the Tarentaise © French Moments

As the day waned, the evening light transformed Mont Pourri once again.

The setting sun cast long shadows and painted the sky in hues of pink, orange, and purple.

Mont Pourri © French Moments

End of a summer day - Mont Pourri © French Moments

The mountain took on a softer, almost magical appearance, creating perfect moments for capturing breathtaking photographs.

Mont Pourri © French Moments

End of a summer day - Mont Pourri © French Moments

The twilight and dusk brought a tranquil end to the day, with the silhouettes of the peaks standing stark against the fading light.

The combination of changing weather and shifting light made every view unique and enchanting.

Mont Pourri © French Moments

Curious cloud formations above Mont Pourri © French Moments

Departure to Geneva for Return to England

After spending four wonderful weeks in our perched village in the Tarentaise Valley, it was time to descend from our mountains and head to Geneva Airport for our return flight to England.

French-Swiss border in Geneva © French Moments

Approaching the French-Swiss border in Geneva © French Moments

Our journey took us through the towns of Albertville and Annecy

Along the way, we enjoyed a final glimpse of Mont Blanc at Faverges...

A view of Mont Blanc from Faverges © French Moments

A view of Mont Blanc from Faverges © French Moments

and a magical view of the Castle of Menthon Saint-Bernard, perched above Lake Annecy.

Castle of Menthon-Saint-Bernard © French Moments

The Castle of Menthon-Saint-Bernard and Lake Annecy © French Moments

Our flight departed from Geneva Airport, bound for London Gatwick.

As we ascended, we were treated to breathtaking views of Lake Geneva, a fitting end to our alpine adventure.

Lake Geneva from above © French Moments

Lake Geneva from above © French Moments

An adventure comes to an end, but the memories will last a lifetime.

I hope this article has inspired you to explore the French Alps in summer.

We would love to hear your thoughts!

Please leave a comment below and share your experiences or ask any questions you might have about our journey.

Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated.

Moon of Tarentaise © French Moments

The Moon photographed from our balcony in the Tarentaise! © French Moments

Find out more about the French Alps

If you’re eager to discover more about the French Alps and plan your own adventure, we’ve got you covered.

Visit our blog for detailed accounts of our experiences, travel tips, and more stunning photos of the region.

Where to stay in the Tarentaise

The Tarentaise Valley offers a variety of accommodation options to suit every preference and budget.

From cosy chalets to luxurious resorts, you’ll find the perfect place to stay during your alpine adventure.

Here are some top recommendations, with links to book through


What to do in the French Alps?

The French Alps offer a wealth of activities for every type of traveller.

Whether you’re an adventure seeker or looking for a relaxing getaway, there’s something for everyone.

Here are some of our top recommendations, with links to book your adventures through GetYourGuide:

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We hope these resources help you plan an unforgettable trip to the French Alps. Happy exploring!

The mountain pastures of the French Alps in summer © French Moments

Alpine flowers above Granier © French Moments

Check out our curated magazine on Flipboard for exclusive stories & insights on France!

Gems of Paris by French Moments
About the author

Pierre is a French/Australian who is passionate about France and its culture. He grew up in France and Germany and has also lived in Australia and England. He has a background teaching French, Economics and Current Affairs, and holds a Master of Translating and Interpreting English-French with the degree of Master of International Relations, and a degree of Economics and Management. Pierre is the author of Discovery Courses and books about France.

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25 Places to see in France 2025